Build a food billing app using Checkbox and Buttons | EES | Android App Development
Here we gonna learn about how to build an simple food billing app using Checkbox and Buttons in android studio. We also gonna see about the usage and implementation of toast messages in our android app. When you completed watching this video, you will get clear knowledge on checkbox, moving one activity to another (Intent), Toast messages implementation and Basic calculations. Android buttons are GUI components which are sensible to taps (clicks) by the user. When the user taps/clicks on button in an Android app, the app can respond to the click/tap. These buttons can be divided into two categories: the first is Buttons with text on, and second is buttons with an image on. A button with images on can contain both an image and a text. Android buttons with images on are also called ImageButton. CheckBox belongs to android.widget.CheckBox class. Android CheckBox class is the subclass of CompoundButton class. It ...